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- Veterans For Peace Responds to the War in Gaza
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- Earth Day: Exposing The Environmental Costs of War
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- Take Action: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the U.S. Military
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- Wake Up to Climate Crisis & NO MAS (No Military Air Shows) Tour 2025-2026
- Just Transition
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- Veterans & Labor for Sensible Priorities
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- What is the Appeal for Redress v2?
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- VFP Statements
- Veterans Condemn Deployment of Troops
- Veterans Call on the Minnesota National Guard to Stand Down
- Veterans For Peace Condemns U.S. Mercenary Attack on Venezuela
- Earth Day 2020 - What Have We Learned from COVID-19
- Veterans For Peace strongly condemns any and all U.S. aggression towards Iran
- Veterans Demand Accountability for Afghanistan Papers
- Veterans Want Peace, Not War with Iran!
- Veterans Call to Resist U.S. Coup in Venezuela
- Veterans For Peace Statement on International Peace Day
- Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- President Biden's budget must decrease military spending
- Memorial Day Statement 2021
- VFP CTA - Support HR 934 to drop charges against Julian Assange