Wake Up to Climate Crisis & NO MAS (No Military Air Shows) Tour 2025-2026

After the 2024 election in which the U.S. electorate ignored the climate crisis at hand, the Veterans For Peace - Climate Crisis & Militarism Project resolved to redouble our outreach to the public that is not only uninformed of the links between militarism and climate change but also dubious of the severity of the climate crisis. Building on the successful No MAS campaign CCMP is enlisting the support of individuals and other organizations to extend this campaign to the U.S. heartland and join with local experts and leaders to inform the public of the worsening effects of climate change to their region, the country, and the globe.

This project will consist of two or three one-month bus tours with each tour visiting 3 to 5 airshow cities. On the days preceding and following the air show demonstrations the tour members will join with local groups to sponsor workshops, town halls, and other events. Universities/colleges will also be visited along the tour routes. See tentative routes below that are subject to change after input from local organizations.

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For a larger view, click the image

Organization and individuals are urged to join this campaign. Types of help needed are as follows.


For more information please contact (climate@veteranforpeace.org or jimrine22@gmail.com )

No MAS! No Military Air Shows!

Photo credit: Taylor Hams-Smith, 350.org national organizer

The 2024 No MAS! (No Military Air Shows) national campaign has come to a successful conclusion, with protests in 9 locations, and a petition created by our allies at 350 US calling on the Secretaries of the Navy and the Air Force to end these noisy, expensive, and polluting air shows. Members of Veterans For Peace, 350.org US, Extinction Rebellion, US Resist, and local environmental and civic groups showed up to educate the public and protest in:

Military air shows are a wa$te – of our tax dollars, jet fuel, pilots’ skills, and greenhouse gas emissions. When the Navy started the air shows program in 1946, the global level of atmospheric CO2 was only 310, but now it is 421 and rising, far above the safe ceiling of 350 ppm. The US military is the world’s single largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels. NONE of those fuels need to be used for entertainment. This campaign will resume in 2025, and we have plans for a more extensive campaign. To find out how you can participate, or with other questions and suggestions, please email climate@veteransforpeace.org

To request a presentation, please click here.

View/download this handy 10-point guide:  No MAS! How To Protest a Military Air Show

Please click on the links below to access resources, articles and videos to support your actions.

Two short videos: 


Case Study: Miramar Air Show in San Diego and San Diego Veterans For Peace, Chapter 91

Code Red for Humanity: Blue Angels Toxic

Chapter 91 in San Diego has been protesting the annual Miramar Air Show since 2016.  We began by focusing upon the military’s glorification of war and its overt appeal to youths as young as 8 years old as it allowed kids to aim automatic weapons at each other and climb atop tanks, romp inside helicopters and “fly” Top Gun jets.  We sought community support, and, although we did receive some local media attention, we found ourselves with few allies.  That changed in 2021 when we refined our focus to that of the Blue Angels as gross polluters.  We had three local climate/social justice organizations endorse us and attend our actions.  We saw that we were connecting with an issue beyond Peace groups.  We amplified our efforts to gain supporters earlier in 2022 and ended up with 18 local organizations endorsing our actions!


