Downloadable Resources


Veterans For Peace Logo Files

In this folder you will find many iterations of the VFP Logo in different file formats for use on promotional materials 


Membership Materials

Image of Membership Brochure

Membership Brochure

Image of Statement of Purpose Insert

Statement of Purpose Insert

Image of Membership Card Insert

Membership Application Insert

Image of Wallet Membership Card w/ QR Code

Wallet Sized Membership Card w/QR Code

Climate Crisis & Militarism Resources

Below you will find two versions of the CCMP brochure. The full-color version can be sent to a local print shop for printing, and the simplified version was created for those who prefer to print at home. Click on the images below to access the file for download! You will also see the VFP Environmental Costs of War handout, as well as a half-page flyer that links to the full PDF!


Screenshot of Professional Print CCMP Brochure

Professional Printing

Information for cutting professionally:

The above document is 8.5" x 11" with a .125 inch bleed. It is possible to print them using print services like Staples or FedEx, but we recommend that you use a union print shop near you!

Screenshot of Print at Home Brochure

Print at Home

Print at home settings:

Make sure you have "Actual Size" selected under the "Page Sizing and Handling" section. Can also be printed in black and white by choosing the 'grayscale' option.

Image of Half page environmental costs of war handout

Print the above half page flyers and distribute them at actions, leading folks back to the full Environmental Costs of War PDF.

To get them printed/cut professionally find a union print shop (by state) near you! To print at home, make sure you have "Actual Size" selected under the "Page Sizing and Handling" section.


                                                      Other Printable Materials

Appeal For Redress v2

QR code for VFP's Feb 11 Letter to State Dept

Conscientious Objection to War Work Pledge For Students
