Blocking Arms to Israel- 'The People’s Arms Embargo'
November 2024

In the Furtherance of Genocide, Antony Blinken Lied to Congress
October 2024
In April of 2024, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) determined in separate reports that Israel was systematically denying humanitarian aid to Gaza. The reports were transmitted to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
Less than a month later, on May 10, 2024, Secretary Blinken submitted his report to Congress on the matter stating “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport of U.S. humanitarian assistance”. He did not reference the reports produced by the government’s two foremost authorities on humanitarian assistance, USAID and PRM.
On Thursday, October 17th, we assembled with flags, signs, and bullhorns on the plaza of the Minneapolis Federal Courthouse. For an hour, we read from the VFP letter and testified as to the ongoing horrors in Palestine that constitute genocide.

Days of Solidarity With Palestine
September 2024
Jack Gilroy, Chapter 90, Binghamton NY,
Jan. 15, 2024
Photos from “West Coast for Gaza”, San Francisco
January 14, 2024

Here is the link to the photos taken by Nayda Williams and Nancy:
Fairbanks 4 Palestine March and Rally sponsored by Fairbanks Native Movement
January 13, 2024
Rob Mulford, VFP Chapter 146 Fairbanks
Rally remarks Jan. 13, 2024
Imbued with the spirit of Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler who famously said, “War is a racket”, and anarchist Catholic Worker Dorothy Day’s yearning for human solidarity, rights, and dignity; from 2009 through 2014, I traveled to and through Palestine, the Golan Heights, as well as Pakistan and its North West Tribal Region; meeting people of all walks of life; conversing with workers, students, folks on the street, families; political, religious and other community leaders, whose beliefs ran the gamut from conservative, to liberal, to radical, including a whole community of followers of Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent non-compliance, as well as adherents of Hamas, Jihad Islamia, and the Taliban; none leaving an impression resembling, in the least, their racist portrayal by the US popular media, and government.
During this period – using my credentials as a control systems integrator – I attended meetings between the Department of Defense, DARPA, Intel Agencies, Universities, and Military contractors. At these conferences I witnessed a frightening array of deathly technologies networked into a product called the Kill Chain, as well as the transformation of the whole of the US Military into an expeditionary force; a military enterprise, a leviathan dedicated to the destruction of Anti-Access / Area Denial limitations placed on the US managed global corporate hegemony and its partners.
Toledo, OH - Jews, Muslims and Christians join together in protest for Palestine
Jan 6, 2024

New Year's Day Peace Walk in Troy, NY
Jan 01, 2024
Dec 30, 2023
On December 30th in Fort Collins, Colorado. Navy Veteran Josh Hunter of Denver (2001-2007 electronics technician), protesting. There were approximately 70 people demonstrating. These Fort Collins demonstrations are happening every Saturday at 3pm indefinitely by
VFP Action at Fort Collins
Dec 23, 2023
San Diego, CA Ceasefire Rally
December 4, 2023

4 members of San Diego Veterans For Peace (Chapter 91) attended the Jewish Voice for Peace rally at Rep. Mike Levin's town hall in Oceanside. At least 80 people. The crowd was charged up demanding a ceasefire and that the government stop using our tax dollars to support killing of children in #Gaza. unfortunately Mr. Levin did not come out and address the crowd. #ceasefire #ceasefireInGazaNOW
Scranton, PA weapons plant shut down for one day!
December 3, 2023
The largest of six successive, weekly protests at the main gate of the Scranton Army Ammunition plant, run by General Dynamics Corp. About 150 people participated.
This was the first in the series to announce in advance that some activists would risk arrest to block traffic into and out of the plant. Organizers confidently surmised the planned civil resistance was what convinced plant officials to cancel that day’s production, preventing arrests and the publicity that would go with them and subsequent court hearings.
Click here to see the news release for the groups that organized the protest, details of the protest, background on the weapons factory and a description of a new legal strategy via the “Leahy Law,” that organizers hope others will consider for protests at weapons plants in the U.S.
The Scranton area Muslim community, students and peace activists from several organizations met and planned together for months to hold the series of protests, including the one on December 3.
Local press coverage of the 12-3-23 Scranton protest at General Dynamics Corp. munitions plant.
Toledo Ohio
November 13, 2023

Mike Ferner, VFP national director (center), Robert Goldberg, VFP member and NW Ohio Peace Coalition members block entrance to Rep. Marcy Kaptur's office building for her support of Israel. The five were prepared to be arrested by Toledo police, but after two hours arrests were not made. Thirty other activists participated and stated they would return frequently. (Toledo Blade photo)
DC Demonstrations for Gaza Ceasefire
November 4, 2023
Ceasefire Rally in Binghampton, NY
Oct 22, 2023

On October 22, 2023 Binghampton, NY Chapter 90 Jack Gilroy speaks. Click here for video

Senate Hearing
Oct 31, 2023

VFP's Ann Wright among CodePink activists who interrupted Senate hearing where two of President Joe Biden's top advisers asked U.S. lawmakers to provide billions more dollars to Israel.