
Michael T. McPhearson - Executive Director

Email:  mcphearson[at]

Micheal McPhearson

Michael is well known to many of us in Veterans For Peace through his prior service to the organization in the years 2005–2010 and 2013–2019. Devoted to peace education and peace advocacy, Michael has a deep knowledge of VFP’s history, members, philosophy, and organization. He is aware of the challenges and rewards of working with veterans and in his prior leadership capacities was able to advance VFP goals and objectives through his understanding of our members and their important work.

Michael served in various capacities in the army reserve and active duty as a Field Artillery Officer in the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. He returns to VFP after working at Get It Right Consulting and, most recently, as Executive Director of South Seattle Emerald, where he was responsible for leading that independent online newspaper focused on the people and issues in South Seattle and South King County.

He returns at an extraordinary time in this country, as every meaningful governmental function and agency that provides life-sustaining aid to the most vulnerable in our population and the outside world are being assaulted – including provision of medical services, education, life-sustaining medications, public information about possible epidemics, and vaccines needed to prevent illness. We see power coalescing in the hands of those who control the country’s wealth through corporate power and investment in the military industrial complex, the sending of American troops to our southern border to terrorize communities there, and the use of ICE to terrorize communities of color in “sanctuary” cities. Michael joins us with the firm belief and understanding that Veterans For Peace has the knowledge, dedication, and capacity to raise our veteran voice and be heard on the side of life.



Image of Shelly Rockett

Shelly Rockett
Business Manager

Email Shelly:


Heather Carlos
Membership Coordinator

Email Heather:

Chris Smiley
Communications Coordinator

Email Chris:

Image of Gail Aquino

Gail Aquino
VFP Office Staff

Email Gail:



To email any of the VFP staff members, please replace [at] with the @ symbol. 


VFP Staff Healthcare - Transparency in Coverage Documentation
