Read About Issues

Learn about issues important to veterans’ health care at the links below.

A VA Commissioned Task Force says the VA is in danger 

The task force issued the report “The Urgent Need to Address VHA Community Care Spending and Access Strategies” in March of 2024.  Read what the report says at Red-Team-Executive-Roundtable.

Suzanne Gordon has written articles in The American Prospect about the report:

Read more about the dangers to the VA at:

Problems with the Community Care Program disrupt the work of VA.  Read how the VA is impacted at:

VHA Healthcare – what it does and who it serves

This guide explains the VA, what it does and the issues important to veterans and activists. Download a PDF copy at: Tools and Resources | VHPI

Who is eligible for VHA Care?

The type of discharge a veteran receives and VA regulations around them determine which veterans are eligible for VA care and benefits. Learn more at:

VA Vs. Private Sector Healthcare

Many studies demonstrate that VA health care is equal to or better than private sector care.  Read about some at:

Much more information comparing VA to private sector care is at Peer Reviewed Study Summaries on the VA’s Superior Healthcare

The VA leads the way

VHA innovation helped develop the shingles vaccine, the nicotine patch, the first successful liver transplant, the CT scanner and more.   Read about how the VA leads the way in telehealth and other care. 

Myths about VA care

The Phoenix wait times scandal is one myth about VA healthcare used to disparage VA health care. Learn about these myths at: Five myths about VA health care

The Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute (VHPI) keeps you up to date

VHPI posts regular analysis of the current state of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and efforts to privatize the VA. Sign up for the site and subscribe to its newsletter at Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute (VHPI). 


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