You’re invited to join the SOVA National Campaign in Washington D.C. from 15 to 19 October to advocate Congress to help us Save Our VA. We’ll spend a day getting to know each other and preparing for two days of meeting with members of the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees and other Members of Congress (MOCs). Small delegations of conference attendees will meet with MOCs and/or their veterans’ affairs staff members.
In-person meetings increase our impact on Congress. For most SOVA Campaign Steering Committee members, the 2020 Conference was the first time they met with MOCs, so one does not need to be experienced to come help us. The 2020 conference was a time of camaraderie as we stayed together with time for informal conversation and making new friends. Join us, get to know us and help us tell Congress why we need to Save Our VA.
- We are staying at the Washington Seminar Center (hosted by the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church) at 201 4th Street, SE, Washington DC 20003. Cost is $37 per night. We ask all to pay for one night’s accommodation but if you can pay for more, please consider doing so. If this represents a financial hardship, please contact Bruce Carruthers at bcarruthers1@charter.net.
- Meals are an additional expense. Food is communal and will be prepared in the kitchen. We estimate food costs at $50 a day and would appreciate any contributions to costs you can make.
Other information:
- The facility is a church basement that offers 3 rooms with bunk bed cots, a commercial kitchen, dining and meeting spaces, and a lounge area. There are separate rooms and showers for males and females.
- The Center is close enough to the Capitol office complex that we can walk there. We will make transportation arrangements to meetings for anyone who needs them.
- Because the accommodations are communal and many attending are in vulnerable groups, we are requiring all attending show proof of being vaccinated against COVID within the last 6 months.

Meeting with Members of Congress during the 2020 Conference
- Day 1 – Afternoon arrival and introductions in the evening.
- Day 2 – Training sessions on meeting with MOCs and SOVA issues.
- Day 3 & 4 – Advocating for SOVA with MOCs in small groups with end of day feedback sessions.
- Day 5 – Breakfast and departure by 10 AM.
Join us in D.C. in October! When the time nears, we'll be sending detailed information to those who register. If you have any questions, contact us at sovamail@yahoo.com.