Armistice Day is about Ceasing Hostilities
Demand CEASEFIRE on November 11

The First World War ended in November 1918 when an armistice was declared at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month,” marking a moment of hope and the promise of peace. For many years this day served as a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and a collective vow of “War No More.” This is still the case in some countries. However, in 1954, the US Congress redefined this day as “Veterans Day,” shifting its focus to the glorification of war and those who wage it. For the last 10 years or so, Veterans For Peace has been working to reclaim November 11 as “Armistice Day,” a day that is dedicated to ending war once and for all.
Today, the looming threats of climate catastrophe and nuclear annihilation have been overshadowed by Israel’s horrific ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza. For over a year, unspeakable atrocities have filled our screens and haunted our consciences. The US government is complicit in Israel’s merciless campaign of ethnic cleansing. The bombs that Israel drops on Palestinian children are made in the USA and provided by the US government. Israel’s US-backed war has now expanded to the West Bank, to Lebanon and to Iran, risking a wider war that could even go nuclear.
As we reflect on the true meaning of this holiday this year, Veterans For Peace is calling for an Armistice – a permanent Ceasefire in Palestine, Lebanon and throughout the Middle East. Inspired by peace-loving people around the world, we pledge to carry this message forward. We will not be complicit in genocide. No one is free until we are all free.
Let us work to:
Remember Armistice Day – Permanent Ceasefire Now
Stop the Genocide – No More US Bombs to Israel
Free, Free Palestine!
Ways To Take Action!
- Fly the VFP flag from your yard. The VFP flag comes in two sizes and has grommets, which can be easily attached to any standard pole. Order your VFP flag from the VFP store by October 30th to ensure delivery in time for November 11th.
- Distribute Armistice Day Materials. Get out in the community and spread the word! Download and print our Armistice Day flyer here.
- Host a peace vigil with your local peace groups: Call together your members and supporters by hosting an in-person event or virtual action on Zoom.
- Ring 11 bells for peace: Make it a community effort! Reach out to local churches, community centers, and schools to ring their bells at 11am. Here is a sample outreach letter from Chapter 27.
- Spread the word on social media. Share the VFP Armistice Day webpage and materials to spread the word, download social media friendly graphics here
- Submit an editorial to your local paper: Download our sample letter to the editor here, adjust if you see fit and send to your local outlet to get published. If your OpEd or LTE is featured, please send us the link so we can share it!
- Share the Liturgy of the Bells!: The Liturgy of the Bells is a great opportunity to reach out to local houses of worship to commemorate Armistice Day.
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