For the last 10 years or so, Veterans For Peace has been working to reclaim November 11 as “Armistice Day,” a day that is dedicated to ending war once and for all.
Today, the looming threats of climate catastrophe and nuclear annihilation have been overshadowed by Israel’s horrific ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza. This year, Veterans For Peace called for an Armistice – a permanent Ceasefire in Palestine, Lebanon and throughout the Middle East.
We will not be complicit in genocide. No one is free until we are all free
What's in a Name: Armistice vs. Veterans
"Nationalism and its cousins, militarism and xenophobia have long been woven in our cultural fabric and they’re seeing another peak in popularity. Such corrosions of spirit don’t arrive fully formed in the minds of adults but are part of what we breathe every day from kindergarten on up."
Article from former Executive Director of VFP Mike Ferner
Chapters In Action!
Chapter 757 in Virginia
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Milwaukee Chapter

Baltimore Chapter
Chapter 090 Binghamton NY

Portland Chapter

Chapter 27 in Minneapolis