Veterans For Peace Chapters and Members across the U.S. and abroad once again took the lead to #ReclaimArmisticeDay as a "day dedicated to the cause of world peace," as it was celebrated at the end of World War I when the world came together to recognize the need for lasting peace.
Stop War, Save Climate - This year, Armistice Day coincided with world leaders convening in Egypt for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) to make speeches about the importance of addressing the climate crisis. VFP and allies took action to call on the US Government to live up to its rhetoric by disclosing the carbon impacts of military operations and taking meaningful action to address the climate crisis. We reclaimed Armistice Day as a day to stand up for peace, strive to truly end war, and address the climate crisis with bold direct action. Images of the events that took place in conjunction with Armistice Day actions are below, but you can find the event descriptions and report backs from all of our Stop War Save Climate events here.
Check out the recap below with reports from local chapter actions, links to articles, podcasts, radio shows, videos and more from Veterans For Peace members and chapters reclaiming Armistice Day!
View the full Armistice Day 2022 photo album here or click on any of the photos below.
If you do not see your action/photo below, or would like to make a change, please send an email with the information to press@veteransforpeace.org.

Stop War, Save Climate Actions!
VFP members and allies organized 'Stop War, Save Climate' events in addition to our Armistice Day organizing! The below events were in conjunction with Armistice Day actions. View the full event summaries and additional events on our Stop War, Save Climate page!
Chapter 9 - Boston, MA (Smedley Butler Chapter)
The Boston chapter of Veterans For Peace gathered for a peace vigil and bell ringing to commemorate the end of World War 1.
Chapter 13 - Tucson, AZ (Jon Miles Chapter)
VFP Jon Miles Chapter 13 in Tucson marched at the American Legion Post #7's annual "Veterans Day" Parade. As they passed by the review stand, the following was submitted to be read to the parade viewers: Veterans For Peace Jon Miles Chapter 13, Tucson Our members realize by past military service and education that “War is not the Answer.” “Tactical” Nuclear Weapons while developed in the 1960s and not accepted then, cannot be accepted now. Honor United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into force January 22, 2021. **NO** nuclear arms bearing country has signed TPNW to date. WHY? Like President Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”, we, THE PEOPLE, must demand - “President Biden, push the United States and all other nuclear arms bearing countries to sign the TPNW now!” Much love and peace to nuclear weapons’ victims!
Chapter 23 - Rochester, NY
Members of Chapter 23 bannered and demonstrated with a Reclaim Armistice Day banner and U.S. and VFP flags by the Veterans Memorial Bridge. At 11AM they rang bells to mark the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when the guns went silent and the Armistice went into affect ending ":The Great War." The Veterans Memorial Bridge was completed and dedicated in 1931 and named at the request of the Gold Star Mothers to honor those who served and died in the "Great War" from Rochester. A small contingent of members also took part in the Rochester Veterans Day parade (the first one in modern times).
Members Jim Swarts (President of Chapter 23) and Marybeth Knowles were interviewed before the Veterans Day parade and made sure to spread the message of peace: Veterans share importance of Monroe County's first Veteran's Day Parade
Chapter 27 - Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
Chapter 27 held three separate events this year on Armistice Day. Beginning with their yearly Reclaim Armistice Day remembrance service, 50 people attended a Remembrance and Honoring of veterans with bell-ringing by VFP27 bell ringers. Attendees gathered at the World War 1 Victory Memorial Monument on Victory Memorial Drive. 1 one mile walk was followed by a program that included words from president Dave Logsdon and Steve McKeown plus music from flutist Darren Thompson. A Bell Ringing at 11 AM was followed by Native flutist Darren Thompson playing taps.
Stop War, Save the Climate: Following the traditional Bell ringing event, Chapter 27 joined with others taking bold direct action in at least a dozen cities across the US reclaiming Armistice Day as a day to strive to truly end war and address the climate crisis. The chapter gathered in front of Amy Klobuchar’s office to hand deliver a statement listing items we would like her to address related to Militarism and the Climate (Read the letter here). They then demonstrated outside her office and held their banners and signs calling attention to the U.S. Military's contribution to the Climate Crisis.
The day closed out with a virtual Climate Change and the Military event - a presentation by Vince Dijanich, a Vietnam veteran, long time nuclear activist, and climate change activist with VFP. Vince described the environmental and climate change impact that our military imposes on the earth-as much destruction and greenhouse gas emissions as some whole countries produce. The presentation was followed by a discussion on solutions.
Chapter 35 - Spokane, WA
VFP Spokane held an Armistice Day remembrance that featured speakers and a bell-ringing. Members testified as to the value of the Armistice in human history: President Rusty Nelson and VP George Taylor made statements as to the necessity of making peace between nations and the effects of war upon our relatives, friends, and community. Tom Charles and Robert Richard testified with their experience in military deployment and the urgency of creating peaceful interactions between nations.
Associate members also spoke; Bart Haggin recalled his visit to the Hiroshima Memorial in Japan in detail, David Brookbank remembered growing up on military bases near runways and the threat that Fairchild Air Force Base brings to Spokane, and John Alder reflected upon the resources wasted on military adventurism. Watch the short video here.
View the full report back here!
Chapter 46 - Monterey, CA
Chapter 46 held two different Armistice Day events this year. The first was a Reclaim Armistice Day Vigil honoring The Fallen and renewing the pledge made in 1918 on the 11th month, the 11th day, at 11 am to dedicate November 11th to the cause of world peace. Attendees brought signs, bells, drums, and banners to celebrate with Veterans For Peace Chapter 46, the Peace Coalition of Monterey County, and the Monterey Peace and Justice Center.
The second event was a free film screening of The Boys Who Said NO! The Untold Story of the GI Movement, (Bullfrog Films, 2021). This documentary tells for the first time the inspiring story and impact of the GI draft resistance movement. Hundreds of thousands of young people opposed an unjust war and said NO to being drafted into the military, risking up to five years in federal prison. Their collective nonviolent actions helped end a tragic war and the draft.
Chapter 50 - Traverse City, MI (Pictured)
Chapter 50 in Traverse City now only displays Arlington Michigan on Memorial Day so in order to make sure that the community is still teaching peace they displayed four large signs: 1. Honor Veterans 2. Reclaim Armistice Day 3. Reject war 4. Teach Peace
Chapter 51 - Syracuse, NY
Chapter 51 members and the community at Billings Park held a short program commemorating the true intent of this day and offering life-affirming alternatives to war and militarism. They rang bells, followed by a traditional moment of silence at 11:00 am on the 11th day of the 11th month, to honor the true purpose of Armistice Day renewing the commitment to work to end all wars and to foster justice and peace, at home and abroad.
Chapter 57 - Will Miller Green Mountain (Vermont)
From VFP member Dave Ransom: Chapter 57, discovered through the Rotary that the architect who refurbished what is now the Town Hall of Cambridge, Vermont, had found the old bell to be in good condition. Dave wrote an e-letter back to the Rotary folk about re-claiming Armistice Day. Rotary sent it on to the Cambridge Select Board who unanimously affirmed that the Town’s Fourth Grade class ring the bell the "11" times on 11/11/2022, as a gesture of peace after a hard-fought election cycle. A goodly number of Townspeople gathered to witness the event. Just after the classmates had rung the bell, the bell of the Church across the Street rang eleven o’clock, perfect timing!
Our thanks to the Select Board Chair George Putnam and the Board and alert Rotary and Architect. It was a pensive and joyful community occasion, as the originators of Armistice Day had intended.
Chapter 63 - Albuquerque, NM (Donald and Sally-Alice Thompson Chapter)
As has become the custom, The Don & Sally-Alice Thompson Chapter 63 of VFP was asked to begin the Annual Veterans Day program by ringing the Armistice bell eleven times at 11 am. The event is sponsored by the city of Albuquerque, the New Mexico Veterans Memorial Foundation and the United Veterans Council of New Mexico. (The 200 pound bell on wheels is borrowed from the University of NM Alumni Association).
Chapter 75 - Phoenix, AZ
On Armistice Day, Chapter 75 members went to Changing Hands Bookstores in Phoenix and Tempe to distribute poppies and to inform the community of the true meaning of November 11th.
Chapter 89 Nashville, TN (Hector Black Chapter)
A small but committed group shared information about reclaiming the need to reclaim Armistice Day at the War Memorial and then along Broadway during and after the Veterans day parade route.
Pictured: Jim Wohlgemuth, who organized the small event, holds the flag while VFP member Arnold White and ally Jan Hussain ring the bells. VFP Member Tom Grose stands in the background while Mary Wohlgemuth holds the Reclaim Armistice Day poster.
The group distributed at least 100 VFP Reclaim Armistice fliers!
Chapter 91 - San Diego, CA (Hugh Thompson Memorial Chapter)
San Diego VFP set up its respected "Hometown Arlington West Memorial" on the front lawn of the USS Midway Museum in downtown San Diego. Chapter veterans from all five services honored the 288 fallen brothers and sisters from Southern California who have died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, with special memorial markers. The public was asked to stop by, read their names, honor the ultimate sacrifice made by these local fallen men and women, and to reflect on the overall costs of these two wars and wars going on in the Ukraine and elsewhere.
Chapter 92 - Seattle, WA (and other local chapters)
Auburn: For the 15th year, VFP marched in the largest Veterans Day parade west of Mississippi.
Seattle: Members gathered for an Armistice Day ringing of bells at 11 to commemorate all victims of war and end of WW1.
Chapter 93 - Ann Arbor, MI
Chapter 93 once again put up their Arlington Michigan Memorial display of one marker for every Michigan soldier lost in the Iraq and Afghan wars (230 markers). The purpose of the display is to honor those who have fallen, to provide a place to grieve, and to educate the public about the costs of war, as well as the needs of those returning from conflicts. They held a Peace ceremony at 11am commemorating Armistice Day.
Chapter 99 - Western North Carolina (Pictured)
The Western North Carolina Chapter of VFP had to cancel their larger planned celebration due to severe weather. Although the chapter did not gather, Chapter President Gerry Werhan read aloud to the sad mother a poem written by member Ken Jones for the would-be gathering. You can read the full poem here.
Chapter 100 - Juneau, AK
Chapter 100 in Juneau held an Armistice Day commemoration with about 20 veterans, family members and supporters gathered outside the Alaska State Capitol on Friday morning. Attendees held a procession and rang the Liberty Bell replica.
Read more and see photos - 'It's good that we can all come together': Veterans Day observances held in Juneau
Chapter 102 - Milwaukee, WI
From Chapter 102: Our 16th annual event at Milwaukee City Hall drew 100+ people, either in person or on a Zoom webinar. We've had bigger crowds pre-pandemic, but this was a good audience for the inspirational talks, music by Frogwater and Harvey Taylor, and more. We even made the 10 o'clock news on Channel 58. Here's a link to photos, and one to a text version of the talk by keynoter Kelly Denton-Borhaug on moral injury and the price veterans and the general population pay for our war culture and the violence it supports. Reggie Jackson was unable to join us, having suffered a mild stroke a few days earlier, but he is home now. Thanks to everyone who helped plan and execute the observance, and those who helped promote it and attended!
Chapter 104 - Evansville, IN
Members of Evansville's Veterans for Peace Chapter 104 gathered at the monument to commemorate the anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I. There were songs, poetry and reflections.
Chapter 113 - Hawai'i
The Hawai’i chapter of VFP hosted a virtual bell ringing at 11am for chapter members and allies to commemorate Armistice Day.
VFP Chapter 113 member Jim Shields was also given the opportunity to speak at the event “Healing the Wounds of History - Lecture and Courageous Conversation” alongside Meleanna Meyer, Artist and Hawaiian Activist and Rev. Amy Wake, Methodist Church Acts of Repentance.
Chapter 133 - Western Montana
As they have done for several years, Chapter 133 observed Armistice Day in commemoration of the end of World War I at Missoula's Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Rose Park on Friday, November 11. There was a poetry reading, short talks by members of the Peace Community and the ringing of the bell at 11-11-11 to commemorate the end of the first World War. You can see photos here.
Read the OpEd written by chapter members: Guest view: Peace needs commemoration
Chapter 146 - North Star (Fairbanks, AK)
VFP North Star Chapter 146, Alaska Peace Center, and Fairbanks Peace Choir cosponsored Armistice Day Ringing of the Bells. This annual event brought over 40 people together to ring bells and sing songs of Peace. Temperatures were in the teens, but hearts were warm.
Chapter 157 - North Carolina Triangle / Swords to Plowshares Belltower
Members in North Carolina exhibited the Swords to Plowshares Belltower (a 24-foot-tall touring kinetic sculpture) on the North Carolina State Capitol Grounds.
Visitors were invited to add their own inscription to one of the windblown aluminum plaques to bear witness to how they, or someone close to them, has been impacted by war and related trauma.
On 11/11 at 11 a.m. they held an '11th Hour' Armistice Day/Veterans Day bell-ringing ceremony at the Capitol Grounds installation where community members (including recently warring politicians) were invited to share how THEY have been affected by war, and how WE can 'Beat Swords into Plowshares' to reconstruct a better North Carolina and World!
Read the news story: Aluminum belltower promotes peace, celebrates veterans at NC Capitol.
Chapter 161 - Iowa City, IA
VFP Chapter 161 sponsored an Armistice Day Observance in Iowa City. Ross Porch, bugler for Veterans For Peace, sounded the Assembly followed by a welcome from John Jadryev, local VFP president. David McCartney, recently retired Archivist at the University of Iowa, was the featured speaker. Songs and poetry were part of the observance followed by eleven ringings of bells at 11 a.m. and the playing of taps will mark the end of the observance. Attendees were then invited to a social hour at the nearby Iowa City Public Library after the observance.
View the OpEd from Chapter 161 Secretary Ed Flaherty - Armistice Day: Recommit to Peace
If you do not see your action/photo above, or would like to make a change, please send an email with the information to press@veteransforpeace.org.