History of the Appeal for Redress v1

In the fall of 2006, inspired by David Cortright’s opposition to the Vietnam War documented in “Soldiers in Revolt,” Jonathan Hutto, 2nd Class USN Petty Officer, with Marine Staff Seargent Liam Madden and Army Mass Communications Specialist Linsay Burnett, launched the Appeal For Redress.

The Appeal motivated nearly 3,000 Active Duty, Reserve and Guard personnel in 10 countries to send protected communications to their members of Congress appealing for an end to the wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

With its first 65 signatures, the Appeal drew fire from White House Press Secretary Tony Snow while simultaneously receiving validation from Pentagon Press Officers that Appeal signers were within the law of Military Regulations to express their opinions to congressional leaders.

The Appeal was highlighted in both progressive and corporate press including a cover story in Nation Magazine and on CBS’ 60 Minutes.  The Appeal for Redress was awarded the 2007 Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award from the Institute for Policy Studies and Jonathan received the Social Courage Award from the Peace and Justice Studies Association.  

In April 2008, Jonathan published his memoir titled, "Anti-War Soldier: How to Dissent Within the Ranks of the Military" as a guide and inspiration to people in the military desiring to wage struggle for peace and against all forms of oppression. He also wrote, “People, Not Politicians Will End the War in Iraq,” "To Fight Imperialism Organize Soldiers and Veterans," published in DSA's Summer, 2019 Democratic Left online magazine, and "A Sailor's Story," published Summer of 2022 in Paths of Dissent, edited by Andrew Bacevich and Daniel A. Sjursen.
