News Blog

Veterans Travel to Viet Nam on Anniversary of My Lai

February 27, 2018

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Tet Offensive and the anniversary of the My Lai Massacre. Veterans For Peace mission includes addressing the legacies of America’s war. As the only U.S. veterans organization with members living and working in Viet Nam, they contribute to the recovery still underway from the war’s consequences.

Executive Director Michael McPhearson to Testify Against AUMF

February 27, 2018

On Tuesday, February 27, Executive Director Michael McPhearson will testify at a Congressional ad-hoc hearing that discusses the need to repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force

Coalition Issues Statement of Support for Okinawan Protest Leaders

January 31, 2018

Veterans For Peace is a co-founder of the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases. The Coalition recently released a strongly worded letter in support of Hiroji Yamashiro, Hiroshi Inaba, and Atsuhiro Soeda.

VFP Signs on to Letter Requesting Extension of TPS for Syria

January 25, 2018

TPS is set to expire for Syria on March 31, 2018. TPS is temporary protected status that is designated for countries that are experiencing ongoing armed conflict, environmental disasters, extraordinary country conditions among others. There are a number of civil rights groups who are fighting to make sure that TPS is re-designated and extended for Syrian nationals.

Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases to Hold Rally in Baltimore

January 11, 2018

From January 12 to 14, 2018, scholars and activists from around the United States, as well as people from countries impacted and displaced by U.S. bases abroad, will gather at the University of Baltimore for a conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases, with a focus on how to close them.
