Our Mission:
The Climate Crisis and Militarism Project of Veterans For Peace is part of the world-wide movement to mitigate the climate crisis and promote peace and justice (climate, racial and economic).
As educators and activists, we focus on US militarism’s damage to the climate:
its vast and largely unreported greenhouse gas emissions
its role as military protection for oil corporations
its squandering of trillions needed for addressing climate and people’s needs
its promotion of war – a human, climate and environmental disaster
Take Action:
Learn More:
Click here to find your Member of Congress
This powerful 30-second Public Service Announcement is professionally produced and ready to be aired on TV stations in your city. See this simple "how to" for easy steps to get it out there.
Downloadable Resources
Communicate the connection between militarism and the climate crisis with brochures, bumperstickers, and more.
Steering Committee:
Ellen Barfield
Gary Butterfield
Vince Dijanich
Ian Mooney
Steve Morse
Cindy Piester
Barry Riesch
Jim Rine