Member Highlights

Community Social "Survive the Nationalism and Noise"

June 29, 2021

Join in anytime and for as long as you like on Sunday July 4th between 9pm ET - 12am ET It will be open for 3 hours so folks on each coast can participate during some peak firework hours.

Coming Home - by Robert Vivar

June 29, 2021

VFP member Robert Vivar recounts the honor of walking Mrs. Rocio Rebollar, Deported Mother of U.S. Army Intel Officer 1st Lieutenant Gibram Cruz, to the US border crossing for her re-admission to the U.S.
and reunite with her family and son who were eagerly waiting for her on the U.S. side of the San Ysidro pedestrian crossing.

Agent Orange: Lasting Legacy of the Vietnam War

April 15, 2021

Sixty years ago, the United States used approximately 19 million gallons of 15 different herbicides, including 13 million gallons of Agent Orange, over southern Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

In this powerful panel, Hoan Thi Tran and Heather Bowser share their personal stories. Jonathan Moore discusses the U.S. legal cases around Agent Orange, and Tricia Euvrard talks about the current lawsuit in France. Susan Schnall talks about the broad health effects of Agent Orange, and Paul Cox briefly discusses the legislation on Agent Orange that U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee will soon introduce.

Category: Uncategorized

Anti-Asian Racism by Steve Morse

April 12, 2021

Veterans For Peace member Steve Morse writes on the increased violence against Asian Americans in the United States.

VFP Chapter 27 responds to Minneapolis review of all statues and monuments

April 12, 2021

On June 10, 2020, indigenous activist Mike Forcia toppled a statue of Christopher Columbus on the MN State Capitol grounds. That act has prompted a review of all statues and monuments on the grounds by the Capitol Area and Architectural Planning Board (CAAPB). Veterans For Peace Chapter 27 responded with the letter
