VFP Chapter 177 Hosts Memorial Day Service
A Memorial Day Eve Service of Remembrance, Lamentation and Hope will take place on Sunday May 28th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Service will be livestreamed!
VFP Delegation to Cuba
Last week, 7 members of Veterans For Peace were on a delegation in Cuba, attending the 5th annual international seminar on the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases. 250 delegates from around the world were present at the seminar, representing communities that are impacted by U.S militarism.
Willie Hager Arrested in Jacksonville
On April 7 2017, VFP member, Willie Hager (Wilder) joined with longstanding union leaders and community activists in Jacksonville Florida in an organized peaceful demonstration calling for peace in Syria. Five members were brutally arrested, including Willie Hager.
North Carolina Reports on April 4th "Beyond Vietnam
A 50 Year Recall of MLK's Riverside Church Speech at Peace & Justice Plaza, Chapel Hill, NC hosted by Chapter 157. An excellent video created by Gordon Strauss of the event
Chapter 157 Holds Vigil in Chapel Hill
VFP Chapter 157 holds Anti-War Vigil in Chapel Hill. Members read a statement condemning illegal attacks in Syria. VFP members present were Chris Moore, Doug Ryder, Nancy Blackwell, Sue Merris, and Vicki Ryder.