Member Highlights

Interfaith Service For Peace In Palestine, Israel, and Ukraine

November 04, 2023


Category: Chapter Action

Operation Gaza Children Ceasefire !

November 02, 2023

Operation Gaza Children Ceasefire !

Category: Uncategorized

The Golden Rule’s Most Excellent “Great Loop” Adventure

March 15, 2023

In 2010 when VFP members discovered that a derelict boat in Humboldt Bay was in fact the historic anti-nuclear sailboat know as the Golden Rule, they made a deep commitment to restore the boat and its mission. Their vision was that the Golden Rule would sail throughout all the navigable waterways of the United States, warning people about the growing danger of nuclear war, and building support for the total abolition of nuclear weapons. That vision included sailing around the “Great Loop” through the Midwestern, Southern and Eastern United States.

Category: Uncategorized

Earth Day Action - Expose the Crimes of the Merchants of Death

March 09, 2023

Take action on Earth Day weekend! Each peace and justice organization nationwide can decide what to do to highlight the crimes of the war merchants and their enablers.

Category: Uncategorized

February 27th: Proposed VFP Action to End War in Ukraine

February 22, 2023

VFP Advisory Board member, Ray McGovern, was a CIA analyst under seven presidents, serving three of them with the early morning The President's Daily Brief. Ray suggests using Monday, February 27th as a day for VFP members to meet in or outside of Congressional members' offices around the US. We have 100 Senators each with multiple district offices and 435 members of the House of Representatives each with more than one home district office. Nationally, VFP members can make the day a call to bring sanity to resolve the war in Ukraine through diplomacy. As an organization, VFP condemns Russia’s horrific invasion of Ukraine (read the VFP Ukraine statement), and we seek an end to global militarism and the political ambitions and war profiting that benefit from military violence.

Category: Chapter Action