San Diego Chapter Continue Protesting Miramar Air Show
Chapter members and friends of the San Diego Veterans For Peace protest weekly against the continuation of the annual September Miramar Air Show, and to encourage the general public to stay home.
Report on Charlottesville by Dan Saint
VFP Member Dan Saint reflects on the heavily armed, torch-bearing, Confederate and Nazi flag waving, anti-Semitic white supremacists who terrorized the of Charlottesville several times this year including the weekend of August 12..
VFP Chapter 27 in Minneapolis Vigils to Stop War in Korea
VFP Chapter 27 joined with other organizations in a weekly peace vigil on to speak out against the growing danger of a U.S. war in Korea.
Automatic Reflex, Automatic Fire by Mike Hastie
"Automatic Reflex, Automatic Fire" -a poem by Mike Hastie
Smedley Butler Brigade Participates in Counter Rally in Boston
The Smedley Butler Brigade, Chapter 9 had about thirty members on the Boston Common on Saturday to oppose those participating in the so called, “Free Speech Rally”.