Member Highlights

VFP Japan Organizes an Unprecedented PTSD Symposium

June 29, 2018

With the cooperation of the Waseda University Institute for Journalism and Japan's Association for the Study of Deployed SDF Members' and Families' Well Being, the Japan Chapter of VFP organized "Realities of War We Must Know: PTSD among America's and Japan's Military Service People," a symposium on PTSD that took place on June 10 in Tokyo at Waseda University.

Executive Director Michael McPhearson Testifies At Presbyterian General Assembly

June 21, 2018

VFP E.D. Michael McPhearson testified at the Presbyterian Church General Assembly in St. Louis. The Presbyterian GA are heard resolutions on Palestinian rights, affirming our right to boycott, calling for churches to recognize Israel as a colonial apartheid state, and more.

VFP President Gerry Condon Speaks at Poor People’s Campaign action

June 21, 2018

Veterans For Peace Board President, Gerry Condon’s spoke at Poor People’s Campaign action at the California State Capitol, Sacramento, June 18, 2018

Presente: Enrique Salas

June 15, 2018

The Baja Chapter's Communications Director USN Deported Veteran Alex Murill writes in memory of fellow veteran, Enrique Salas and other fallen deported veterans.

Open Letter to Amnesty International by a Former Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience

June 15, 2018

Camilo E. Mejia, a former Amnesty International prisoner of conscience (June 2004), on account of his refusal to return to the Iraq war on conscientious objection grounds, wrote an open letter to Amnesty International in condemnation of the destabilizing role they have played in Nicaragua.
