VFPJax rallying with #Takeemdownjax History Walk
VFP Jacksonville, along with Executive Director Michael McPhearson, recently participated in the #TakeEmDownJax History Walk that detailed the story of Jacksonville’s racial past.
Keep Space for Peace Week vigil at Bath Iron Works (BIW)
On Oct. 6th the annual Keep Space for Peace Week vigil at Bath Iron Works (BIW) occurred which was attended by 33 people from across Maine, New York and Massachusetts.

Save Our VA Action Team Outreach at Manhattan VA

One of VFP's Save Our VA Action team was in front of the Manhattan VA this week doing outreach for their upcoming Town Hall.
VFP Member Dan Harkins Releases New Book, Freeburg
Veterans For Peace member Dan Harkins wrote a released a new book entitled Freeburg.
The Presidio 27 "Mutiny", 50 Year Anniversary Commemoration
The Presidio 27 "Mutiny", a pivotal moment in the GI Movement against the Viet Nam War, occurred 50 years this October 14th. On Saturday Oct. 13 and Sunday Oct. 14, there will be a conference to mark this historic event, and, hopefully, put it in both its historical context and its lessons for today. Hosted by Chapter 69 in San Francisco