A Morning in Afghanistan
Amidst political posturing, aerial terrorism and street bombings, Afghan citizens pursue their daily work toward peace.

Boots on the Ground for Freedom

On Saturday, Sept. 7, at 10 am in front of Limerick Prison, where they were incarcerated, Ken Mayers and Tarak Kauff, both U.S. military veterans will begin Boots on the Ground for Freedom, a series of walks through Ireland to promote peace.

Monsanto, Bayer and Two Wars

Veterans For Peace recently held an 'Expose Monsanto Vigil' in downtown San Francisco on August 10th, International Agent Orange Day.

VFP Members in Russia

Several members and associate members of Veterans for Peace have arrived in Russia for a “citizen diplomacy” trip, sponsored by the Center for Citizen Initiatives.
Report on SOVA Activities at the VFP 34th Annual Convention
A number of members of the Save Our VA campaign attended the VFP Convention in Spokane last week and wrote an action report.