Chapter 106 has been hitting the streets!

October 11, 2019
VFP Chapter 106 took part in their local Global Climate Strike week-long series of events, "NO WAR ON IRAN" demonstrations, and joined North Texas Light Brigade to light up Dallas City Hall!

Silencing Our Veterans: a Bridge Too Far

September 26, 2019
In recent days, a group of military operational psychologists has sent a letter to APA authorities expressing outrage over a panelist who was scheduled to participate in a symposium at last month’s annual convention.

An Update from Buzz Davis, Tucson SOVA Team

September 20, 2019
Buzz Davis gives an update on his work in Tucson and with the SOVA action team. Also includes a poem on aging!

SOVA Reports on Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly

September 20, 2019
VFP’s Save Our VA activist Skip Delano speaks at Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly in San Francisco

Update from our Deported Veterans chapter!

September 13, 2019
VFP Chapter 182 has been busy with humanitarian efforts in Tijuana!