San Diego Veterans For Peace Hitting the Streets Again

First time sleeping bag distributor, Maggie McGonigle, widow of Corporal Mark Garcia (USMC Reserve), went out downtown at night with Dave, Jim, and Kate on Wednesday, November 13th, to give out 24 sleeping bag sets.

A Brief Statement on Peace and War by Leo R. Sandy

Veterans For Peace member Leo Sandy writes "The absence of war is only a partial condition for the existence of authentic peace."

Honolulu Supports Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

On November 6, 2019, the City and County of Honolulu joined hundreds of other cities, counties, and the US States of Oregon, California and New Jersey in…
“…calling on the United States government to ratify the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and take other measures to stop the possibility of nuclear war!

VFP President sends letter to Irish Justice Minister

Two activists with the organization Veterans for Peace are trapped in Ireland, unable to return home due to criminal charges pending against them for engaging in anti-war protest. VFP President Gerry Condon sends letter asking for their release.

Kings Bay Plowshares 7 Update and Next Steps

Found guilty for their nuclear weapons protest, the Kings Bay Plowshare participants send a note and ways to help!