Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance Presentation
Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance presented on the current state of U.S. nuclear plans—new bomb plants, new warheads at the VFP Southwest Regional meeting

Milwaukee VFP Supports Reduction of Police Budget

The members of the Milwaukee Chapter of Veterans for Peace would like to voice support for Liberate MKE and other groups in Milwaukee that seek a 75 million dollar reduction of the MKE police budget by redirecting those funds to services that build and support a healthy community. Crime and violence do not stop through policing, nor does relying on police to handle society’s systemic injustices that are the result of monopoly and war-based capitalism.

Memorial Day 2020 by Rosemarie Jackowski

Rosemarie Jackowski, a VFP member from Bennington, VT writes her thoughts on Memorial Day.

Memorial Day – Remembering Those Who Died in War

Instead of marching in Memorial Day parades, members of Chapter 57 are composing individual messages to post on Front Porch Forums and to send to local newspapers trying to raise awareness of the costs of war and need for peace.

Veterans join in thanking VA workers

Milwaukee Veterans For Peace members joined union workers, community health care advocates and others in a VA Appreciation Parade Thursday to thank Veterans Administration hospital workers and demand that federal government do more to protect their safety.