Okinawa: Understanding the History and Resistance to U.S. Militarism

Join members of the VFP-ROCK chapter and Okinawan activists for an important webinar to understand the decades long resistance against U.S. militarism in Okinawa. The presentation will be followed by a live Q&A

Chapter 168 has two letters to the editor published!

Chapter 168 member John Wilborn's Letter to the Editor concerning racism was published in the Louisville Courier Journal and Chapter 168 member Peter Berres was published in the Lexington Herald Leader leading up to Veterans' Day 2020

Chapters Take Action to Celebrate Nuclear Ban Treaty

As veterans concerned about issues of war and peace, VFP chapters and members were happy to celebrate the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the important new international peace initiative that went into force on January 22. Check out the photos and videos!

Deported Veterans Truce of 2020

How can the Christmas Truce of 1914 relate to the present climate our deported veterans will live this Christmas of 2020? I began thinking - who is the enemy in 2020 that they are facing? As I reviewed the events of 1914, and the present situation we are facing, a very strong word came to mind. Who is the enemy? Perhaps hate, which is used as fear to create a fictitious enemy. As the story of 1914 states, when British and German soldiers opened a dialogue, they came to understand they were fighting for the same ideals: freedom.

Christmas in the Trenches

A soccer game. A song sung in two languages together. If just for a moment. Of course this moment was relatively short lived, and soon, as McCutcheon sings, “they went back to the business of war.” But they were changed. They knew they were killing other sons and brothers and fathers and uncles. And for what? And for whom?