Memorial Day – Remembering Those Who Died in War
For many years the Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace, Chapter 57 has marched in one or more of the Memorial Day Parades with messages about the many costs and damages of war and the need to foster peace. This year the parades have been canceled due to the covid-19 pandemic. Instead of marching in Memorial Day parades, members of Chapter 57 are composing individual messages to post on Front Porch Forums and to send to local newspapers trying to raise awareness of the costs of war and need for peace. This is my Memorial Day message.
Since its founding in 1776, the United States has been at war during 223 out of her 244 calendar years of existence. In other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars. Given the costs of war, which are major in dollars and energy used to wage war, in death and destruction to the cultural and natural world, and the continuing wounds of war in those who fought and survived and to their families, it is high time that we mobilize the nation to work towards peace and, by all means possible, avoid war.
Since the roots of war are deep and wide ranging, coming to peace instead of waging war will not be an easy job. It is up to each one of us to learn all we can about why and how we go to war, to pay close attention to what our leaders and Congress are doing in the matters of diplomacy, defense and war, and to make our voices heard.
If Covid-19 has taught us anything it is that we, and all nations in this world, are in this situation together and that working for peace and avoiding war is the work of our time.
On this Memorial Day let us remember those who have fallen in battle everywhere and dedicate ourselves to fostering peace in every way we can.
Richard Czaplinski, President
Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace, Chapter 57
P.S. We have bought the airing of the following 15 second piece on a local County Music station to air multiple time over the four days of Memorial Day weekend.
This Memorial Day we honor, in the best way we can, those who have fallen in battle.
Members of Veterans for Peace are dedicated to promoting ways to avoid the true and tragic costs of war.
Vermont Veterans for Peace – fostering peace for the good of all.
Tune to WPLB Burlington (AM1070/FM103.7). listen online link, www.1037wplb.com/player/ (this link only gets one to the station not the this recoding)