Skip Delano sent in this note about the New York City Save Our VA Action Team:
After months of educating ourselves about the VA and privatization, we finally decided to sponsor a Save Our VA Town Hall on November 29 with Suzanne Gordon as our featured speaker. We printed up a thousand flyers and had a successful tabling activity at the Manhattan VA Thursday from 12-5 PM. We distributed around 700 flyers, with most of the veterans taking flyers and maybe 25% of the staff. Many commented that they too opposed privatization. We collected $65 in donations and more than 40 people signed up for future SOVA emailings. We plan to table again at the Manhattan VA next week and will continue reaching out there to build for the Town Hall in November.
For those in New York, the VA Town Hall will feature Suzanne Gordon, author of The Battle for Veterans Healthcare and be held 7:30 PM, Thursday, November 29, 2018 at the Community Church, 40 East 35th St. Download a flyer.
To get involved in Veterans For Peace Save Our VA campaign, check out our Action Page!