Veterans For Peace Chapter 089 of Middle Tennessee joined a coalition of student activists from Marshall County High School, Murray High School, and Calloway County High School in saying NO to Oliver North and NO to NRA influence in our political process.
Not even 6 months after a deadly shooting at Marshall County High School, Marshall County Republicans have invited Oliver North to come speak at an event. The coalition stated "We believe this is a grave error in judgement on their part, and will not let his visit go unanswered."
They gathered outside the event venue for a peaceful demonstration and held a silent vigil in remembrance of the thousands who die by gun violence and unsecured firearms each year in America from 6:15-7:30.
List of speakers at rally:
Dr. Brian Clardy, Associate Professor of History at MSU, will be our opening speaker. He will be delivering a message of "A Love that Liberates." We're very excited to kick this event off with such a powerful message.
The DaSilva Family will be telling their personal story. Akilah DaSilva was tragically murdered during the Waffle House shooting in Antioch, TN and this family is committed to justice. Shaundelle Bess Brooks Abede Dasilva Alexa DaSilva
Hollan Holm is a survivor of The Heath
High School shooting that took place in 1997 and will be sharing his expirience, how he's been effected, and his thoughts to moving forward.
Mark Bryant of the Gun Violence Archive will be speaking to give us his opinions and gun violence information so we can educate others.
Rev. Dr. Darvin A. Adams I will be speaking. He is a community builder who's doctorate is in Philosophy and Theology and is guaranteed to move you and make you think about solutions.
Joey King, member of Chapter 89 Veteran's For Peace TN will be speaking about Veteran suicide rates.
Press Coverage:
Protesters March Through Murray State Campus As Oliver North Speaks At GOP Rally
Protesters Get Loud Before Oliver North Speech
NRA leader Oliver North draws protesters in speech near site of high school shooting