Chapter 181 Builds their New Chapter Strategically!

May 24, 2018

Rick Staggenborg from Chapter 181 sends in this report of how their new chapter is strategically building relationships and using VFP campaigns, such as Save the VA and Armistice Day, as ways to spread the message of Veterans For Peace!

From Rick: 

Chapter 181 Douglas County continues to introduce itself to our very conservative community by being part of the Save the VA campaign through tabling, leafleting, demonstrating and writing editorials. 

We've started a monthly discussion group to which the community is invited, and hosted a film and discussion by Tim Keenan, Vietnam vet and author of The Good Hike. 

More recently, we have begun standing with members of the American Legion who regularly demonstrate in support of the troops. Of course, our signs encourage our fellow community members to support the troops by bringing them home! We are hoping that our approach will make us welcome at the Armistice Day parade. 
