Youth Against Settlements, Veterans for Peace, and CODEPINK set up vegetable stand on Shuhada Street in Hebron in front of the closed Palestinian shops and markets that have been welded shut by Israeli military since 2001. This was the first time that vegetables were sold on Shuhada Street since 2001.
They were standing on the street selling vegetables for about 10 minutes before the Israeli army special forces came in military jeeps, armoured vehicles, and by foot and declared that it was a closed military zone. They presented the vegetables sellers with a document that was undated, unsigned and thus order invalid. Read the full story!
Read Ellen Davidson's account and see her pictures of VFP's day in Hebron or see CODEPink's video of the action.
On Feb. 20th VFP delegation in Palestine visited the Bethlehem Museum of Natural History, founded by Dr. Mazin Qumsiyah, a biologist/geneticist, activist, and author of numerous books.
Mazin was a gracious host, giving us a thorough presentation touching on the history of Zionism, the prospects for peace, and popular resistance in Palestine.
We got a tour of the museum grounds, which is being used to study and preserve native plant species, develop agricultural techniques that use less water, and various other projects around recycling, education, and wildlife support.
This was followed by a convivial lunch in which we discussed the scientific method and whether science should or even can be neutral.
Check out Ellen's pictures from their day in Bethleham.

On Feb 19th Will Griffin reports: "Today we visited the refugee camp, Aida, in Bethlehem-Palestine. It was an eye opening experience learning some of the stories of these oppressed people. Our guide, Munther, is passionate about nonviolent resistance, peace and justice for all (not just Palestinians).
The Palestinian people express their disapproval through all forms of nonviolence, from protests to artwork.
Can you imagine being a refugee on your own land? Well that's the nightmare these people are living every day."
See Ellen's pictures from Aida.
On Feb 17th A VFP delegation to Palestine participated in the 12 year anniversary of nonviolent resistance against Israeli occupation of Palestine. See the video where Miko Peled, who is in the Advisory Board of Veterans For Peace is interviewed.
The day that VFP was in Bil'in it was the 12th anniversary of the nonviolent demonstrations against the apartheid wall. Veterans For Peace were present along with members of CODEPINK. Surprisingly, the Israeli military was not in attendance for most of the festivities, only showing up at the end when the villagers managed to pry open the gate in the wall. Only two canisters of tear gas made an appearance, just enough to remind us that we didn't really feel like having more.
Ellen's pictures from Bil'in.