Why We March by Vicki Ryder, Member of Eisenhower Chapter 157
The Annual People’s Assembly and Moral March now known as HKonJ (Historic Thousands on Jones Street) might seem like an unlikely fit for VFP, but there is no grassroots movement that fits our mission more precisely.
HKonJ is part of the Moral Monday/Forward Together fusion movement, a coalition of almost 200 North Carolina organizations partnering together in our common struggles for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice. Led by the Rev. William Barber II, we rally our members every year in an outpouring of solidarity, support, and celebration of each other’s work. The North Carolina chapters of VFP (Chapters 99, 157 and 173) are proud partners of that coalition.
We could say we march because HKonJ embodies the goals for which we were told we were fighting when we went off to war: freedom to be who we are, to worship as we choose, to dissent, and to ensure “liberty and justice for all.”
We could say we march because our HKonJ partners are fighting those “domestic enemies” we were sworn to defend against: those who would deny us affordable health care, a living wage, free and equal public schools, LGBTQ equality, and an environment that will sustain us and all the generations to follow.

We could say we march because it’s our duty to maintain the ideals etched on the Statue of Liberty, and to protect the rights of our indigenous nations, our immigrants, and all those refugees our wars have created.
Or, we could say that we march simply because it’s the right thing to do. VFP’s contingent at HKonJ is greeted each year with both reverence and cheers. This year, we were honored to have Matt Hoh represent us in his remarks from the Main Stage, bringing VFP’s message to the more than 80,00 assembled in the streets, and to the countless thousands more who watched the event as it livestreamed. Our flags, always flying high above the crowd, attract not only notice but new members, as well.
HKonJ is held each year on the second Saturday of February. All VFP members are invited to join us, so mark your calendars now.
Forward together! Not one step back!