VFP Joined IVAW to Deliver Comments about Standing Rock

February 10, 2017

On February 8th members of Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace stood with Native Veterans to deliver letters full of statements from thousands across the country to the Army Corp of Engineers.   Dozens of veterans and supporters gathered at the Northwest Division office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) to express vehement opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Phoenix Tiffany Johnson, a local Native veteran, delivered thousands of public comments to a representative of the office, calling on the Army Corps to deny the final DAPL easement and respect Native lands and fundamental human rights.

Portland Army Corps of Engineers physically locked their doors and did not allow a small group of peaceful veterans to deliver a message inside the building on behalf of the underrepresented. Eventually a secretary came out to receive a flash drive with thousands of comments of protest that Trump denied happened. We will continue to be here to receive and join NW Stands With Standing rock action at noon.

In addition to the above video, check out this additional video from the action.

Later in the day, VFP participated in a Rally of Pacific Northwest Standing With Standing Rock 

Here is a copy of the press release from their action:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Veterans Deliver #NoDAPL Comment Cards to Portland Army Corps Office

Portland, OR (February 8th, 2017) - Today dozens of veterans and supporters gathered at the Northwest Division office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) to express vehement opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Phoenix Tiffany Johnson, a local Native veteran, delivered thousands of public comments to a representative of the office, calling on the Army Corps to deny the final DAPL easement and respect unceded Native lands and fundamental human rights.

Despite expected legal challenges from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, the Army Corps reversed its earlier decision and cleared way for the pipeline's immediate construction. Given the impact of this decision, the Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock is calling for emergency solidarity actions across the globe.

The violence against peaceful water protectors at Standing Rock echoes the horrors of the exploitation and genocide Native peoples have faced since colonizers first invaded indigenous lands. Militarized police, concussion grenades, tear gas, rubber bullets, batons... We are calling on the Army Corps to do the only conscionable thing: condemn this state violence, honor its earlier decision to deny the easement, and respect Native water, lands, and rights.

Phoenix powerfully stated the urgency of this appeal: "These physically locked doors are the metaphor for what is happening with our society and what has been happening for decades... we are closed out; we are pushed out; our voices are not heard. The indigenous community is one of the most underrepresented, unheard, quieted, silenced, overwritten races in the U.S. And I want to thank everybody for being here... Though this group is small, like the indigenous, this group is growing. Our awareness is growing..."

As Seattle divests billions from Wells Fargo (a key funder of DAPL) and thousands mobilize across the globe in support of the water protectors at Standing Rock, the people have made clear they are determined to fight this project. This morning's comment card delivery was led by Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans for Peace, but more demonstrators from a variety of groups are expected throughout the day at the Northwest Division ACE office (1201 NE Lloyd Blvd #400, Portland, OR 97232) and at locations across the country.

Water is life!

Media resources:

livestream links (from Cameron Whitten):
