by Ed Mary Flaherty
It's with a great deal of sadness that I inform you of the death of Jeff Strottmann. Jeff was admitted into the Iowa City VA hospital last week - I spoke with him on Sunday AM. I went to see him Monday AM, and was informed that he had a terrible night and was unconscious. He died around 6PM on Monday.
Jeff has one brother, Jim, who is a doctor in Milwaukee. I met Jim today. He was aware that Jeff's health had deteriorated, but was shocked at his death.
There will be a visitation this Sunday, Feb. 12th from 2 to 4 PM, which will be followed by a memorial service. This will be at Lensing's Oak Hill, 210 Holiday Rd, Coralville, IA 52241.
Jeff was the first Iowan to join Veterans For Peace, in 1992. He was one of the 10 charter members of VFP #161 when we became a chapter in 2010. He served as sergeant-at-arms for us for years. His was a steadfast voice for peace. I feel privileged to have known him, and I'm sure most of you who knew him feel likewise.
The memorial service will not be a religious service. Jeff's brother, Jim, says that Jeff would be pleased if folks shared memories and "peace exhortations" at the service.