VFP Ryukyu Okinawa Chapter Kokusai, (VFP-ROCK), held a protest at Pu'uloa (aka Pearl Harbor) on December 27th and the entrance of USS Arizona Memorial Park that coinciding with Prime Minister Abe and President Obama's recent visit.
Japanese Prime Minister Abe will be meeting Obama tomorrow for a public performance to ensure the continued militarization of colonies, such as Okinawa & Hawai`i. It is intended to enforce unity (not mutual apologies) between Japan & US, particularly its dominating military alliance.
While Japan & the USA ritualizes the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor bombing & 70th Anniversary of the ending of WWII, it also disappears the Okinawan people who have been resisting & protesting the permanent military occupation of Okinawa for 7 decades; this ceremony aims to bury the Okinawan human rights movement out of history, current events- and to ensure the continued domination over Okinawan democracy & justice well into the future.
This is not unique to Okinawa. The US government extorted use of Ke Awalau O Pu`uloa prior to its illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation and renaming of “Pearl Harbor.” Since then, a fable was fabricated that Hawai`i has always been a willing partner of US empire. Tomorrowʻs visit by Abe is part of the creation of such myths: to erase any native Okinawan identity and movements, and send message to Trump and rest of world of the sacredness of the Japan-US military alliance that will continue on the backs of peoples, such as Okinawans, Hawaiians, Cherokee, Marshallese, etc to protect its own economic interests.
The protest is a HOA (Hawai`i Okinawa Alliance), HPJ (Hawai`i Peace & Justice) & VFP-ROCK initiative