by Dave Kashmer
On October 14, 2016 CNY Veterans For Peace Chapter 51 went to the Masjid Isa Ibn Maryam - Masjid Isa mosque in Syracuse to register voters. We registered 20 citizens to vote in the November election. Thank you to our VFP members who helped particularly Ron, Roland, Chris and Dave. Thank you to Khadija, a member of the mosque, for assisting us and Mark Cass, a friend of the mosque, for organizing the event.
Click here to check out photos of the event.
This event was part of Veterans For Peace call to challenge Islamophobia.
Our visit to the mosque was in conjunction with VFP Albany, NY and VFP Los Angeles, CA. They visited mosques in their cities on the same day to register voters. Thank you to John Amidon of VFP Albany for encouraging our chapter to hold this event. We made some new friends and showed the Muslim community that Veterans support them.