What Muhammad Ali Always Knew

June 10, 2016

I did not fight for my country.
When I stepped into the ring called the
Vietnam War, it was rigged from the
very start.

I lost, not because I threw the fight,
but because I was never meant to win.
The water bottle I drank from between
rounds was poisoned with greed.
I finally went down in the 12th round,
not from a combination of punches to
the head, or a powerful left hook.
I was knocked out from a barrage of
betrayal punches to the solar plexus
of my soul.

A lot of money changed hands that night,
because that is the way it is when you
fight for your corporate country.

Mike Hastie
Vietnam Veteran

Better to be in jail fed,
than to be in Vietnam dead.
Muhammad Ali

When I met Muhammad Ali in November 1985,
I told him I loved him for not going to Vietnam.

Rest In Peace

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