January 28, 2016

Jack Gilroy, is a founding member of the Stu Naismith Chapter 90 (Broome County, NY). He has honorable discharges from both the US Army and the US Navy (Reserves). A long time peace activist and former high school Participation in Government teacher, Jack’s "speaking truth to power" has led him to one southern jail and three federal prisons for crossing the line at Ft Benning US Army School of the Americans (renamed WHISC) . He has also served the longest sentence of anyone convicted of nonviolent trespass at the drone assassination base at Hancock Air Base, 174th Attack Wing in Syracuse, NY.
He is also a prolific author.
He wrote "The Predator", which has been used around the country to explore issues related to drone warfare and the general militarization of the United States.
The two-act play centers around a college student who begins asking questions about American use of military force in the world and how she should respond. Other characters are the student's mother, who is a drone pilot for the Air Force, a United States Senator, and an antiwar activist. The play's script can be used by any Chapter that wishes to present "The Predator" in their own community.
"The Predator” has been performed in numerous locations, including Georgetown University, Syracuse University, Wittenberg University, Memphis State University, as well as in many churches and small theaters, including in Chapel Hill, NC, and Columbus, GA, Chicago, IL, and most recently, Binghamton, NY.