One of our many military air strikes in Afghanistan destroyed a Doctors Without Borders hospital, killing at least 22 people, including three children. The U.S. Army routinely and dismissively refers to such horrible tragedies as nothing more than "collateral damage."
The callous, cold-hearted Army instructors who desensitize our impressionable young men and women in uniform, telling them that the killing of innocent human beings is simply "collateral damage," thoroughly disgust and outrage me. Rather than "serving our country," those disgraceful Army instructors represent a terrible disservice and embarrassment to our country by obfuscating the reality that the United States military has slaughtered--and will continue to slaughter--countless innocent human beings. Shame on those soldiers.
Similarly, our Nobel Peace Prize-winning commander-in-chief, in his typically robotic, insensitive manner when commenting on such murderous "mistakes," prefers the term "fog of war." Wonderful. How touching.
Louis H. Pumphrey