To All Chapters and Members of Veterans for Peace,
Greetings from San Diego Veterans for Peace, Chapter 91, the Hugh Thompson Memorial Chapter. It was a pleasure to see so many of you in San Diego for the National Convention this August.
A highlight for us, as well as for many of you, was the port call of the Golden Rule, the historic peace boat that played such a large part in the fight against nuclear madness in 1958, when the Golden Rule and her crew were a part of the successful campaign to secure international agreements banning atmospheric testing, and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The Golden Rule has been lovingly (and miraculously) restored over the last five years by Chapters 22 and 56 in Humboldt County after being raised from the bottom of Humboldt Bay, and is now embarking on a new stage of protest against war, nuclear weapons, and radioactive contamination of the planet. This is an effective but expensive operation, and the Golden Rule needs your support to help pay off the final bills associated with restoration, refit (based on the experiences of the 2,000 mile round trip between Humboldt and San Diego), and expand its new peace campaign activities.
San Diego Veterans for Peace has pledged to send $100 each month to the Golden Rule Project, and challenges each VFP chapter to match that amount if you can, or a lesser (or greater) amount if that is what your chapter can do.
Visits by the Golden Rule to ports on the way back up the California Coast have energized peace groups, provided needed publicity for the movement, and renewed the sense of possibility for often weary activist, and made clear what a great tool this boat is.
You too can be a part. You can find more information on the Golden Rule Project website.
You may donate via PayPal, or donate by check to:
VFP Golden Rule Project
P.O. Box 87
Samoa, CA 95564
In peace,
David Barrows
President, Chapter 91