Peace Day Poem Submitted by Maggie Belisle

September 21, 2015

I walked upon John Adam’s land
and stood beneath the trees
I gazed out on the home he loved
and I asked him  “Help us please.”

“The country you love
 is dying John-and we have all
lost our way.

And if you could see
what we have become…
I don’t know what you’d say.”

And I sat there and wept
in a silent prayer but I knew
he had heard me that day.
“Show me. Tell me… what I can do-I’m listening”
is all I could say.

And out of the silence, and so far away,
an answer
came to me today…

“Every man possesses truth.
He knows it, in his heart.
To choose the good,
the kind and just,
is clearly, where you start.

Hold yourself to a truthful heart
and look back from today,
and ask yourself
if you have held true
to the promise of my yesterday.

In your Times
Have the courage to face the Truth
and see far beyond today.
And hold yourself to things noble and true
and work for tomorrow each day.

The burdens are light when the path that you choose
serves the Peace and your fellow man.
Each one of you
will change the world
when you all
to do what you can.”
