February 25, 2015
Daniel Craig – Veterans For Peace
“I appreciated the opportunity to participate in recognizing the need f/a shift in the status quo regarding gender. Countless centuries of oppression seem to be the foundation of change in our lifetime. While I see that there has been some progress, the need for continued focus & effort is vital to capitalize on the gains. I was happy to be part of a movement that is transforming human culture & striving to make our societies equal & mutually supportive of both men and women. Women cannot do it alone & men can no longer afford to not support a paradigm shift that ultimately will benefit us as a species as well as provide a more sustainable Mother Earth. We are all connected.
As a veteran I see how maintaining the status quo in every aspect of our society continues to breed ignorance, which in turn breeds unhealthy behavior & oppresses both men and women. Change is possible as I saw on Saturday at our event. Equality is vital to our evolution; it is so much more than “allowing” women to progress in society; it is about freedom from the bondage of old worn-out, harmful stereotypes and practices. It is ultimately about every human being having the space to become the fullest, healthiest being possible in their own life. Peace…”
Anastacio Trujillo
“The 2015 revolution was inspiring and motivating. Inspiring by the presence of more men than before, supporting the women in their lives. Seeing men being fearless by standing strong and confident is motivating. Witnessing this reflects conscious choices men are making toward non-violent lifestyles. This awareness signifies that the revolution must include men in the conversation going forward. It is on us to remind other men to snap out of their insecurities and learn to love our women and children. It was an honor to stand confidently with other men who are choosing to rise with the revolution. Thank you One Billion Rising Santa Fe for all your efforts in ending violence in our community.”