VFP Iraq Water Project Update

December 19, 2014

A fresh and glistening VFP Iraq Water Project chrysalis is expanding in its cocoon, eager to emerge. Welcome the new improved edition of what has been one of this organization’s longest surviving projects. The former chair, now willingly emerited, passes the noble scepter of authority to the new guy, Iraq vet Mark Runge. Mark, together with his wife Valerie, has organized a home area (TN) fundraiser, and is confident of attracting other Iraq vets to the project and pumping into it some highly oxygenated, compatible blood. One of the original purposes of IWP was to offer veterans of our Middle East interventions---over two decades of them now---a constructive way to help the very people whose countries and whose lives have been so damaged by US political and military policy. It now looks like this will happen. Thanks, Mark, for your commitment. And thanks to the many vfp members and chapters for your support over the years. Please keep it coming.
