The Israeli ship Zim Shanghai will reportedly arrive at the Port of Oakland tonight, Friday (Sep 26).
Please join us if you can, and help to spread the word. (Flyer)
ZIM is running scared and trying to sneak in ahead of schedule.
Oakland is ready!
The ZIM Shanghai is now scheduled to arrive TONIGHT, FRIDAY!
Join this Historical Victory!
Gather at West Oakland BART at 5PM
Can't come at 5pm....come as early as you can.
March and carpool to SSA Terminal Berth 59
We'll chase the Apartheid Ship out of Oakland.
(The first night's picket could go late...be prepared, check text/FB alerts)
Bring friends, instruments, signs, banners, food/water to share.....
Let's celebrate PEOPLE POWER!.....United We Stand for GAZA!
Text: �Join� to 88202 for alerts on ship location and picket status
Morning assembly: 5am, West Oakland BART
Afternoon assembly: 4:30pm, West Oakland BART
Regular Carpools from West Oakland BART to Berth 59 will be available, as long as we are able.
A �sustained picket� means we will picket the Zim Shanghai from when it arrives until it leaves the Bay.
Morning assembly: 5am, West Oakland BART (starting September 26th)
Afternoon assembly: 4:30pm, West Oakland BART
Carpools will be available. The ship is expected at the SSA terminal in the Port.
Typically, each picket will last only a few hours until longshoremen decide not to cross the picket. It may last longer depending on the situation. Volunteers are need for all shifts, but especially morning shifts and the first day (morning of September 27th).
Please check your phone/Twitter/FB for updates on the ship location and picket status, particularly two days before. ZIM may arrive a day early or delay the ship's arrival to avoid picketers.