Led by CloseGitmo.net and World Can't Wait, activists from throughout the Bay Area joined together in San Francisco for the Global Day of Action to Close Guantanamo! A large coalition from Witness Against Torture, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, Amnesty International, SOA Watch, American Legion Post 315, National Religious Campaign Against Torture, local Friends Meetings, and many others, donned orange jump suits and T-shirts, created a mock jail filled with black hooded prisoners, sang songs, read poems and writings from Gitmo detainees, and engaged several hundred in a powerful witness. The rush hour rally, at San Francisco's highly visible cable car turnaround, moved many visitors to the City who accepted orange ribbons and postcards detailing the torturous practices of prolonged solitary confinement and forced feedings endured on a daily basis by prisoners in Guantanamo. Many learned for the first time that the majority of the detainees have never been charged, and have been classified as ready for release....and still they remain in GITMO subjected to regular human rights abuses.
All are invited to continue this important action by:
(1) Creating on-going actions to keep the issue alive
(2) Make phone calls to pressure government officials. These include calls to President Obama at the White House, Cliff Sloan at the State Department and U.S. Southern Command to insist upon the closure of Guantanamo, that the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Report on CIA torture is declassified and released in its entirely, and that the brutal force-feeding procedures are ended.
(3) Spread the word through social media and Letters to the Editor
Hashtags: #GitmoProblems
For more information see Witness Against Torture, CloseGitmo.net, National Religious Campaign Against Torture, World Can't Wait and Amnesty International. Reports from the more than 40 cities who joined in this day of action will can be seen on these websites.