Shock Poetry written by VFP Dennis Serdel

May 21, 2014

The Johnny Horror Picture Show

Johnny Boy is not made of steel
he has emotions too,
when you tell him he shot someone
and it was wrong,
he doesn't know what to do.
He never wanted to be in the Army
in the first place.
His draft papers didn't leave him much to do.
The Canadians will treat you like garbage
if you go over there,
and Fort Leavenworth didn't sound
like a nice place to be.
The gas station job where he worked
wasn't bad at all.
His beer buddies would pick him up
when he closed up the station
for the night.

Chasing girls in hot rod cars
was a lot of fun, singing songs
along with the radio turned up.
They were not scared of fistfights,
if some bad boys wanted to take them on,
come on, let's see what you got,
most would run away in the parking lot
after tasting their own blood.
The Army could use some boys like these
to fight in a war they had overseas.
Next thing Johnny Boy knows, he is fighting
the VC and NVA and killing anyone
that looks wrong.
But back in the States, they were calling it
a Crime against Humanity
taking sides with the Vietnamese.
If Army Soldiers like him were killed,
they were happy back "home,"
Hippies would jump up & down and cheer
while smart College Students loved it when
the Soldiers came "back home in a box."
When 200 dead Soldiers came back dead
in one week, the College Students
would take LSD and sit in a circle at night
with a fire in the middle and
chant in Vietnamese,
"Way to go Charlie, Kill some more,
We hate the Soldiers just as much as you do."
When 500 dead Soldiers came back "home"
dead, they would take the American flag down
and raise the North Vietnamese flag
as a Peace War Sign Victory.
Many of them would go to the funerals
and piss on the graves while smoking
maryjane and feeling all right.
Many had Ho Chi Minh's face tattooed
on their foreheads and brains
demonizing the American Soldiers.
But Johnny Boy is not made of steel,
he has emotions too and when
you tell him he shot someone
and it was wrong, he doesn't know what to do.
The innocent screamed at the War Machine,
"We will do the same in the next War,"
but they never did.
After the War was over,
a Vietnam Wall Tombstone
was built
with the names of the dead Bad Boys
War Criminals
on it.