On Friday January 10, members of Middle Tennessee Veterans For Peace and Code Pink met with Representative Jim Cooper's Chief of Staff Lisa Quigley to voice concerns and advocate for the immediate closure of Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.
Ms Quigley distributed a flyer which stated that "Rep.Cooper's stance on GITMO is clear and consistent," with bullet points including 'Supports closing GITMO' and 'Supports the President's Executive Order to close GITMO. . .'
A VFP member took issue with the claim of 'consistent' support for closing GITMO, noting that Rep Cooper had visited the camp (and joined Rep. Marsha Blackburn and others in issuing a glowing assessment of the facility and its treatment of the detainees). Ms Quigley insisted that he had never been to Guantanamo to her knowledge (his visit occurred in June 2005, prior to her arrival on his staff).
Her response to our concerns essentially consisted of agreeing with us and urging us to contact our Republican Senators Corker and Alexander, framing the issue as one of obstructionist tactics of the Republican Party.
Blog posted in 2005 re: Cooper's appearance on news show Hannity and Colmes to discuss visit to Guantanamo: