Elliott Adams to Speak about his GTMO 80 day fast

October 15, 2013

When: Friday November 08

Time: 7 - 9 pmhunger_strike_3_enger_r256x183_fsharpen_compressed.jpg

Where: San Jose Peace and Justice Center
48 South 7th
San Jose, CA 95112

Elliott Adams, Vietnam War veteran fasted for 80 days in solidarity with Guantanamo detainees in protest of their treatment. Come hear Elliott Adams speak about his fast, the conditions at Guantanamo and environmental issues facing America.

Adams, former mayor of Sharon Springs and former president of the national organization Veterans for Peace has long advocated for closure of the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.He began fasting on May 17 because of his distress over detainees who continue to be held at the prison without charges or trial, and because of their treatment, saying that it goes against everything he fought for during his years in the military. He limited himself to 300 calories and 3 liters of water a day.

Suggested Donation $5-10, no one turned away

This event is sponsored by Veterans for Peace
