S. Brian Willson to Fast & Vigil in Solidarity with Guantanamo Prisoners

May 16, 2013

brian_willson.jpgS. Brian Willson of VFP72 Portland Oregon has already began a Fast in solidarity with Guantanamo Detainees and will begin a public vigil this Thursday afternoon, May 16, for starters near Portland City Hall, 3 pm - 7 pm with Guantanamo Banner.

I started a 300 calorie/day fast Sunday night, and have no definite plans when I will come off the fast. Diane Wilson is fasting on water only, open-ended, outside the White House in Washington,DC. Witness Against Torture is coordinating hundreds of chain fasts across the country. So far, only Diane Wilson and I are on prolonged fasts.

Hope to see you Thursday. The intention is to be publicly vigiling everyday in the afternoons at the same place so people get used to the vigil with banner. Some of us will be wearing orange jump/prison suits. Always need 3 people in the vigil to hold the banner. I plan to be present everyday at the public vigil, but will only be there if there are at least 3 people. Otherwise I will simply fast at home until more people are interested. At this point I think there are enough folks interested in getting started. May pick up momentum when people see a serious vigil with large banner and people in orange prison suits day after day at the same spot and times.
