Linus Pauling Chapter calls for shifting Pentagon funds to local sustainability projects.

March 15, 2013

Chapter members staffed an information table at the IMG_0874 - Version 2annual Corvallis Sustainability Coalition “Sustainability Fair” on March 14, 2013.

For the past several years, our information pertained to DoD’s heavy carbon footprint and other environmental impacts such as air and water pollution. This year our message was that Pentagon funding could be reduced and shifted to local projects via federal grants for such things as public transportation, affordable housing, and local food programs.

We used a pie chart from National Priorities Project depicting the President’s 2013 budget request for discretionary spending, of which the Pentagon gobbles up 57%, while energy and environmental programs are allotted only 3%.

There was also information available on the newly released “Back to Work” budget from the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which would take Pentagon funding back to 2006 levels and increase funding for domestic programs such as education and infrastructure, creating much needed jobs.

Take Action: Call your federal representative and senators and tell them you support the “Back to Work” budget. It’s due for a vote very soon. Capitol Switchboard: (202)224-3121.
