Chapter 25 Protests Drones in "Die-In"

September 04, 2012

VFP Chapter 25 in Madison, WI held a protest to bring awareness of the drone activity and the death and destruction it leaves behind. Using a 1/5 scale model drone, the activists gathered on State Street in downtown Madison with protest signs about drones. At 11:00 am, a siren sounded and the activists fell to the ground and laid in slience. This was to symbolize and demonstrate an actual drone attack and the innocent people who are killed daily by US drones.

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a humanpilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a navigator, or pilot on the ground or in another location completely. A number of recent investigations show not only that the U.S. can’t keep track of how many casualties the drones produce but also that the military and CIA don’t really know who they’re attacking.

Veterans for Peace member Larry Orr stated "Using a drone creates the need for more drones, which is good news for the big military industrial complex....job security for the big" He went on to discuss how drones can also be used for things other than killing including search and rescue. "There are good uses for them, but unfortunately we use them for war."


Reactions from the large crowd were shock, surprise, even confusion as many people wondered what was going on. The actual die-in only lasted a few minutes but drew enough attention that people left talking about it.

Veteran for Peace Member simulates being dead during the drone die-in protest at the Wisconsin State Capitol.

Photo Credit: Wendi Kent

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