Vietnam Documentary Series

Veterans For Peace is an international organization made up of military veterans, military family members and allies; accepting veteran members from all branches of service. Our networks are made up of over 120 chapters across the United States and abroad. We are dedicated to building a culture of peace, exposing the true costs of war, and healing the wounds of war. See a Brief History of Veterans For Peace.
Veterans For Peace has been working on telling the full story of U.S. involvement in Vietnam since it's inception. There will be many chapters and members across the country participating in viewing parties, public events and education surrounding the showing of the upcoming documentary. We have Vietnam era veterans available for interviews. Please contact for interview opportunities
For Press Releases:
- Veterans Express Dismay at Vietnam Series
- Veterans Group Reacts to First Episode of Burns/Novick Vietnam Series
- Veterans Group Anticipates Burns/Novick Documentary Series
Our Ongoing Work:
Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign
Viet Nam Full Disclosure is a national campaign to present to the American people an accurate history of the American war in Viet Nam. We do this for historical accuracy, and to look at the impact of the war on the Vietnamese and American people – including servicemen and women and their families. Most importantly, we hope to prevent future unnecessary, brutal acts of intervention.
Full Disclosure Paper
Full Disclosure is a special issue of VFP's quarterly publication, Peace in Our Times. It focuses completely on telling the truth about Vietnam. The Peace in Our Times Editorial staff just reprinted a second edition of Full Disclosure, specifically for the opportunity to spread our message of truth and accountability about the U.S. War on Viet Nam.
Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign
The Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign is an initiative of U.S. veterans, Vietnamese Americans, and all concerned about peace and justice. We insist our government honor its moral and legal responsibility to provide assistance to all AO victims--Vietnamese, U.S. veterans and our children, and others—and to the mitigate the environmental damage in Vietnam.
Veterans For Peace Viet Nam Chapter and Annual Veteran Trips to Viet Nam
Each year since 2012 members of Việt Nam's Hoa Binh (Peace) Chapter 160 of Veterans For Peace (VFP) invite up to 20 veterans & non-vet spouses & peace activists to come to Việt Nam every Spring for an insider's 2-week tour. The Hoa Binh chapter is the first & only overseas VFP chapter of American veterans living in Việt Nam. See 2018 Itinerary.
The mission of the tour is to address the legacies of America’s war, as well as visit a beautiful country & form lasting ties of friendship & peace. The money will go to VFP Chapter 160’s humanitarian projects in Việt Nam: bomb clearance, chemical warfare victims, hospitals, orphanages, schools, etc. The group will visit recovery & assistance projects supported by VFP & meet with Việt Namese families & war veterans struggling with: Agent Orange/Dioxin, Unexploded Ordinance & Poverty.